Sunday, January 16, 2011

I Need This

malem, readers. :))
kangen euy posting pake bahasa ibu.
cumaaaaaaa berhubung ini blog mau go international, belakangan mulai pake bahasa inggris yang acak-acakan abis. :))


soooo.. inget postingan tahun lalu ngga? gue lupa judulnya, readers. pokoknya gue cerita soal temen gue yang curhat ke gue belum siap jadi ayah..
nah, istrinya udah ngelahirin. so, he's a father now. gue harap sih, dia bisa jadi bokap yang baik. :)


belakangan gue lagi banyak makan, readers. -_____________-"
makaaaan mulu kerjaannya. ga pagi, siang, sore, malem, ni mulut tiada henti-hentinya pengen ngunyah.
gue sebagai pemilik mulut yang baik, tentu saja harus melayani mulutnya dong. :">
kayaknya berat gue naik lagi nih. -.-"
bodo ah. :))=))


so, apa yah? gue juga bingung sebenernya mau posting apa. ada beberapa picture yang pengen gue posting, cuma males ah. tar tar aja deh.
ada 1 video juga yang pengen gue kasih. cuma yah itu, tar tar aja deh. =))=))


eh eh, lagi denger lagu nih. jadi inget. pengen nge-share 1 lagu.
dari Chris Brown. judulnya I Need This. :)

Stop, where am I?
Shock, I can't cry
Pop, I need some space
No, this isn't me
Oh, please let me breathe
I'll be back sooner than you know

I need this space just like you need it
I need this time, time to clear up my mind
Wait, did you hear that? Shh... Hear my heart beat? Shh...
I need this relief, whoa yeah, I really need this

Whoa, I've been blind
I hope I'll be fine
Don't call me back, no
Yes, I see light
Now, it's so bright
Call my name, I'll be there soon

I need this space just like you need it
I need this time, time to clear up my mind
Wait, did you hear that? Shh... Hear my heart beat? Shh...
I need this relief
Wait, did you hear that? Shh... Hear my heart beat? Shh...
I need this relief, whoa yeah, I really need this
I need this [x2]
I really need this

You know it's not personal
Sorry if I'm hurting you
Please don't give up on me now
I needed this time alone
To know I could come back home
To breathe, breathe, breathe

I need this space just like you need it
I need this time, time to clear up my mind
Wait, did you hear that? Shh... Hear my heart beat? Shh...
I need this relief, whoa yeah
Wait, did you hear that? Shh... Hear my heart beat? Shh...
I need this relief, whoa yeah

I really need this
I need this [x2]
Whoa [x2]
I really need
Whoaa [x2]
hey [x2]
I need...
I really really need
I need, I need this
I need this
I really need this [x3]

kenapa gue pengen bahas lagu ini? well. belakangan gue sering bikin pacar marah-marah. :))=))
naaaaaahh, gue kan orangnya ngga sabaran yah, readers.. jadi bisa-bisa gue ngomel-ngomel juga kalo ga ke kontrol.
ini lagu, amat sangat membantu gue menahan emosi gue. dan tentu aja, bisa bikin gue berpikir positif. :)
cukup easy-listening kok, readers. cobain aja. :) gue suka denger suaranya si Chris.
yah paling ngga, gue pengen readers bisa mikir positif kalo lagi berantem sama pasangan masing-masing. kalo dia ngga ngabarin, bukan berarti dia lupa kan? :)
mungkin dia cuma butuh space. bisa jadi, meskipun dia ngga ngabarin, dia justru amat sangat mikirin kalian. :D
keren kan kata-kata gue? :berbusa:


10:54 pm.
udah ah readers. :p
dah malem tauk. -.-"
pacar gue entah kemana. kangen padahal. :))
well, goodnight, readers.
I love you, all.

ps: main ke pingbox dong. lama ga ada yang nyapa. jadi kangen sama kalian. :*

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