Monday, February 14, 2011


happy valentine's day readers. :)
thank you for being a great friend.
oh, I want to tell you something.
if this time, today, you really love someone and you didn't they know about how your feelings, tell them.
oh and one thing, don't ever think about how they feel about you.
if they don't love you, fuck it. at least you say it to them.
you didn't tell it because you want them to be with you. you tell it, because they need to know about your feelings.
you're not a loser, right? ;)

and me?
well, I already have a black-retard man. he's awesome. but a lot of people told me they like me though. I don't mind, because you can't tell people to stop loving you. ;)

I want to say happy valentine to these people:

>>my sister.
happy valentine, my lovely sister. thanks for being special. thanks for never judge me. thanks for everything we have together.
I love you.

>>my mom.
I know you're not gonna read this mom, but thank you. for your patience and for your time. for everything. for bring me to life. and for you call yesterday. :) I am glad you allow me to have another partner.

>>my best friends: anna, anky, zeresy.
pake bahasa Indonesia aja yah? :p
makasih ya teman-temanku sayang.
kalian orang-orang yang bisa bikin gw ketawa di saat-saat darurat. yang paling ngerti gue. tau gue.
dan kalian, orang-orang yang kesabarannya tingkat dewa kalo udah ngadepin emosinya gue. makasih sekali lagi. :*

>>my classmates
KA02 Gunadarma '08. :)
thank you guys. kalian kan visitor yang paling bikin rame di sini. ini blog ga bakal ada lanjutannya kalo ga ada kalian.
semester ini, praktikum reguler doang. jadi, kayaknya kalian bakal terus membaca blog ini. :)) love you all

the first man in my life who I spend my special moments with.
start from christmas, my birthday, new year, until now - valentine.
those are some reasons that make him special.
I don't love him. I fucking love him.

hey cfho, I know you'll read this. so, I want to say thank you (again)
for everything.
I don't need to mention them all because I have like a lot of unforgettable moments with you.
so, thank you. especially for every nick name you've given to me.
ewiad.jasf;lasdf askf'dfk'af pf'ak;f'a/sdfm ka'sdfk;hsdfalkdm lfdsplfkpskmv. okay?
you get it, right? okay great.
I love you.

whoever you are, when you read this, I want to say: I love you.
thank you for reading this blog with a lot of crap posts inside.
I don't know what makes you visit this blog.
if this is your first time, welcome and hope you enjoy this.
aaaaand for you who visit this blog more often than me posting something, thank you.
you keep up my stats.
ps: if you want to say something, I'll be here tonight at 6 pm (GMT +07:00)
once again, I love you. :*

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