Tuesday, February 22, 2011

wonderful week

hey readers. good morning.
just finish working.
so how was your day? mine was great.
I just learn something about my self: the less I sleep, I got smarter. lmao.
but for real, it's easier for me to understand what my lecture said in the class when I just sleep for 2 hours or not sleep at all than when I sleep for 6 hours or more.


ah capek pake bahasa inggris mulu. bosen juga kayaknya yang baca.
pengen curhat euy. tapi bingung juga. :))=))
belom yakin juga sih ini bisa digolongkan sebagai masalah ato gue sendiri yang
emang menggolongkan ini sebagai sesuatu masalah. jadi, mari kita abaikan saja. ;)


di kuping lagi dengerin Love At First Sight nih. :D
keren dah nih lagu. gue tau ni lagu jaman SMP. dan pas itu kan susah banget yah yang namanya download. OMG. sampe bela-belain nelpon ke radio yang itupuuun ga semua radio punya ini lagu.
sekarang, ini lagu gue taroh di hp. ga sampe dijadiin ringtone/message alert juga sih. :D


well, semester 6 lho gue sekarang. dalam jangka waktu kurang dari 5 jam lagi, bakal ada praktikum winbrello (baru dengen ini istilah). jadi, kemungkinan besar, dalam sebulan ini anda akan banyak membaca postingan LA dan LP.
selain itu, semester ini gue akan disibukkan dengan Penulisan Ilmiah atau PI. sesuatu yang bikin sebagian besar mahasiswa gunadarma kalang kabut karena belom dapet inspirasi mau buat apa.
gue sendiri udah ada ide. tapi belom ada pemikiran buat bentuk jadinya dan presentasinya dan blah blah blah.
skip deh ah. yang ada gue makin stress mikirin nih PI. -..-"


seminggu ini lagi seneng deh. well, ga 100% happy juga karena yah gitulah. tetep aja yang namanya masalah pasti ada.
tapi entah deh. lebih ke seneng kayaknya. :)
sekarang tanggal 22. artinya minggu depan udah tanggal 1 maret. ada yang bakal ulang tahun. :D
tadinya gue mau kasih kado apaaaaa gitu kek yah. cuma, setelah dipikir-pikir lagi, bakal ngga guna kalo gue kirim sekarang tapi dia malah dateng ke sini pas tengah bulan. :D
jadi, kemungkinan besarnya adalah, gue bakal ngasih kalo dia udah di sini. :">


eh, readers. kemaren gue dah sempet ngasih tau belom sih playlist gue? udah kan yah kayaknya? :D
inget lagu One And Only-nya Nelly ga? udah didengerin? :)) gue ngerti kok kalo selera musik kita beda. ;) tapi ini lagu enak kok. liriknya juga lucu. ^^
wait gue cariin video sama liriknya. :D

Yo... we cool, right?
Nah I mean, we go back
You know, back before the records
Before you went to college and became this person who you are
Oh, congratulations on that anyway too, so
But, for a long time it's been somethin I need to tell you
Uhh, uhh, uhh - listen

You see we been knowin each other since we were about this high
Same elementary, shared the same bus stop
Even as a youngster I knew you was so fly
Even back then I knew you were the one
I watched you grow, I watched your transformation
Right through school to your current occupation
It took this long for me to man up and have this conversation
But fuck it, here it go

I want you, to want me
Girl I need to know that, I can be your one and only
I need you, to need me
See you were my worst mistake girl, and that's why
It's hard to keep my cool when I see you with him
Cause I really wish that you were right here
Tell me what's it take to win just a - piece of your heart
My only kryptonite is you, that's why anything you say I'll do
So let me stop for a minute, take a second to say
Girl you take my breath away, awayyyy
Girl you take my breath away (awayyyy)
You take my breath away, you take my breath away, yeah

Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
They say one man's trash is the next man's treasure
Where one finds pain the next might find pleasure
I don't pay attention to them haters, now or never
I don't give a damn who was before me (me)
All that matters is you're with me now
All I need to know is that you're down
Man it's somethin special about round-the-way ladies
Ride-or-die baby, girl

Yeah, on the real, let me tell you somethin..
Uhh, uhh, it's like I die a little every time I see you with this guy
Thinkin to myself, "Now why the hell she with that guy"
While she ain't by my side, we would be so fly
We would live that life
The life you used to dream is all about rapp-in
Back when I used to pull my BMX up alongside of your Schwinn
See, and here we are again
Funny how fate brought my Phantom up alongside of your Benz
And still

Yeah so, I mean, like I said
You know we been knowin each other for a long time
You seen me go through, I seen you go through
We here now and, I just thought I'd tell you that
So, you got my number, as you got my e-mail
You know everything
So I guess the next message I get from you
will let me know what you think about this right here, aight?
Aight, get home safe


kalo baca liriknya gue suka senyum-senyum sendiri. :D
lucu aja. :D
well, ini ngga ada hubungannya sama hidup gue sih. -.-" secara yang nyanyi aja laki. gimana mau ada hubungannya. =))
tapi tau dah kalo ada yang suka sama gue dari SD. =))=)) konyol aja ah. :D


03:17 am.
pagi readers.
that's all for now. I need to sleep 'cause I don't want to look weird tomorrow.
I want to manage my phone's playlist before go to bed. add some songs. ;)
I love you readers. *bigkiss.

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